General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: MindUrOwnBiznss
map: Deadlock
- players: 8
- length: 55:34
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.27 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(328 KB)
team 1 (loser)
MindUrOwnBiznss (
orange | 76 APM | 4230 actions | 55:34)
10 Archmage
3 Summon Water Elemental
3 Brilliance Aura
1 Mass Teleport
3 Blizzard
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 103 | |
Basic commands | 42 | |
Build / train | 107 | |
Enter build submenu | 65 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 6 | |
Right click | 1843 | |
Select / deselect | 593 | |
Select group hotkey | 1128 | |
Use ability | 333 | |
4230 total
» units
Peasant | 21 | |
Footman | 4 | |
Gryphon Rider | 3 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 5 | |
Priest | 7 | |
40 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Masonry | 3 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Swords | 3 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Priest Training | 3 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Farm | 22 | |
Scout Tower | 24 | |
Town Hall | 4 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Arcane Tower | 1 | |
Guard Tower | 7 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 4 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
72 total
» build order
00:45 Altar of Kings
00:46 Barracks
00:50 Farm
00:51 Farm
01:04 Farm
01:41 Farm
02:39 Scout Tower
04:02 Town Hall
04:30 Keep
04:37 Lumber Mill
04:51 Arcane Tower
05:25 Scout Tower
05:27 Scout Tower
05:29 Scout Tower
05:31 Scout Tower
06:11 Guard Tower
06:32 Guard Tower
08:06 Scout Tower
08:07 Scout Tower
08:07 Scout Tower
08:08 Scout Tower
08:08 Scout Tower
08:09 Scout Tower
08:09 Scout Tower
08:10 Scout Tower
09:25 Guard Tower
09:30 Scout Tower
09:30 Scout Tower
09:30 Scout Tower
09:31 Scout Tower
09:47 Gryphon Aviary
09:47 Gryphon Aviary
09:47 Gryphon Aviary
10:16 Gryphon Aviary
11:20 Castle
11:35 Guard Tower
12:13 Guard Tower
12:15 Scout Tower
12:15 Scout Tower
12:16 Scout Tower
12:16 Scout Tower
12:47 Blacksmith
12:49 Blacksmith
13:18 Guard Tower
13:38 Farm
15:03 Arcane Sanctum
15:36 Farm
15:37 Farm
15:37 Farm
16:14 Scout Tower
16:15 Scout Tower
16:15 Scout Tower
17:38 Guard Tower
17:47 Arcane Sanctum
17:53 Farm
19:11 Arcane Vault
20:10 Farm
21:11 Farm
21:11 Farm
21:11 Farm
21:16 Farm
25:38 Town Hall
33:31 Town Hall
36:51 Farm
36:52 Farm
38:15 Town Hall
38:28 Farm
38:28 Farm
38:29 Farm
38:29 Farm
42:27 Farm
44:04 Farm
» items
Scroll of Town Portal | 9 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Mechanical Critter | 5 | |
Potion of Healing | 2 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 1 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 7 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 1 | |
Scroll of Healing | 1 | |
28 total
DongKuroos (
red | 45 APM | 1922 actions | 42:36)
5 Paladin
2 Holy Light
3 Divine Shield
4 Goblin Alchemist
2 Chemical Rage
2 Acid Bomb
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 16 | |
Basic commands | 132 | |
Build / train | 72 | |
ESC pressed | 7 | |
Enter build submenu | 51 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 9 | |
Give item / drop item | 3 | |
Right click | 842 | |
Select / deselect | 377 | |
Select group hotkey | 275 | |
Use ability | 133 | |
1922 total
» units
» upgrades
Defend | 1 | |
Swords | 1 | |
Plating | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 1 | |
Long Rifles | 1 | |
Masonry | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 2 | |
Farm | 10 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 14 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Arcane Tower | 1 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Lumber Mill | 2 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Guard Tower | 18 | |
Castle | 2 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Moon Well | 1 | |
59 total
» build order
00:42 Altar of Kings
00:55 Farm
01:10 Farm
01:24 Farm
01:42 Farm
02:14 Barracks
02:24 Farm
02:33 Farm
02:44 Farm
03:06 Scout Tower
03:14 Arcane Vault
03:36 Arcane Tower
04:17 Keep
04:17 Keep
04:42 Lumber Mill
05:20 Town Hall
05:28 Scout Tower
05:31 Scout Tower
05:37 Blacksmith
05:50 Scout Tower
05:54 Scout Tower
05:57 Guard Tower
06:17 Farm
06:28 Guard Tower
06:28 Guard Tower
06:29 Guard Tower
07:08 Castle
07:08 Castle
07:13 Guard Tower
07:14 Guard Tower
07:14 Guard Tower
07:14 Guard Tower
07:57 Blacksmith
08:53 Scout Tower
09:00 Scout Tower
09:09 Farm
09:25 Gryphon Aviary
09:46 Guard Tower
09:46 Guard Tower
10:30 Gryphon Aviary
11:04 Scout Tower
11:12 Lumber Mill
11:34 Moon Well
11:43 Guard Tower
11:45 Scout Tower
11:48 Scout Tower
11:51 Scout Tower
11:56 Scout Tower
12:00 Scout Tower
12:04 Scout Tower
12:19 Guard Tower
12:45 Altar of Kings
30:57 Farm
» items
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
Orb of Fire | 1 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 2 | |
Potion of Invisibility | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
7 total
ICQ.Balmer (
green | 49 APM | 2747 actions | 55:34)
7 Mountain King
3 Storm Bolt
3 Bash
1 Avatar
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 43 | |
Basic commands | 1 | |
Build / train | 149 | |
Enter build submenu | 101 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 7 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Remove unit from queue | 7 | |
Right click | 1096 | |
Select / deselect | 557 | |
Select group hotkey | 625 | |
Use ability | 160 | |
2747 total
» units
Peasant | 37 | |
Flying Machine | 29 | |
Mortar Team | 4 | |
70 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Gunpowder | 3 | |
Swords | 0 | |
Barrage | 1 | |
Flak Cannons | 1 | |
Flying Machine Bombs | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 1 | |
Plating | 3 | |
Fragmentation Shards | 1 | |
Flare | 1 | |
15 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 2 | |
Farm | 15 | |
Lumber Mill | 2 | |
Scout Tower | 68 | |
Guard Tower | 43 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Town Hall | 6 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Arcane Tower | 2 | |
Castle | 2 | |
Tree of Life | 1 | |
Moon Well | 2 | |
Workshop | 7 | |
155 total
» build order
01:43 Altar of Kings
01:44 Farm
01:45 Farm
02:23 Lumber Mill
02:40 Scout Tower
02:42 Scout Tower
02:43 Scout Tower
03:08 Guard Tower
03:10 Scout Tower
03:12 Guard Tower
03:13 Guard Tower
03:15 Scout Tower
03:36 Scout Tower
03:41 Guard Tower
03:48 Scout Tower
03:51 Scout Tower
04:02 Guard Tower
04:08 Scout Tower
04:09 Guard Tower
04:19 Guard Tower
04:23 Farm
04:31 Guard Tower
04:44 Guard Tower
04:53 Scout Tower
04:54 Scout Tower
04:56 Scout Tower
05:17 Farm
05:25 Guard Tower
05:26 Scout Tower
05:29 Scout Tower
05:30 Guard Tower
05:35 Scout Tower
06:13 Guard Tower
06:16 Scout Tower
06:20 Scout Tower
06:24 Scout Tower
06:41 Blacksmith
06:50 Guard Tower
06:53 Guard Tower
06:55 Scout Tower
06:58 Scout Tower
07:00 Scout Tower
07:05 Guard Tower
07:19 Arcane Vault
07:27 Guard Tower
07:27 Guard Tower
07:36 Guard Tower
07:40 Guard Tower
07:45 Scout Tower
07:48 Scout Tower
07:50 Scout Tower
08:29 Town Hall
08:48 Scout Tower
08:57 Keep
09:12 Scout Tower
09:12 Scout Tower
09:15 Scout Tower
09:17 Arcane Tower
09:25 Scout Tower
09:27 Scout Tower
09:42 Guard Tower
09:58 Guard Tower
10:03 Scout Tower
10:04 Scout Tower
10:40 Scout Tower
10:41 Guard Tower
10:43 Scout Tower
10:45 Scout Tower
10:47 Scout Tower
11:09 Guard Tower
11:11 Scout Tower
11:18 Guard Tower
11:19 Scout Tower
11:21 Scout Tower
11:24 Guard Tower
11:28 Guard Tower
11:46 Guard Tower
11:49 Scout Tower
11:50 Guard Tower
11:51 Guard Tower
11:54 Scout Tower
11:55 Scout Tower
12:20 Guard Tower
12:24 Guard Tower
12:28 Scout Tower
12:50 Castle
13:04 Tree of Life
13:08 Moon Well
13:08 Moon Well
13:17 Arcane Tower
13:19 Scout Tower
13:20 Scout Tower
13:23 Scout Tower
13:25 Scout Tower
13:53 Guard Tower
13:56 Guard Tower
14:01 Scout Tower
14:02 Scout Tower
14:04 Scout Tower
14:08 Scout Tower
14:32 Guard Tower
14:36 Guard Tower
14:40 Guard Tower
14:55 Scout Tower
14:57 Scout Tower
15:25 Guard Tower
15:29 Scout Tower
15:41 Workshop
15:46 Workshop
15:51 Scout Tower
15:57 Guard Tower
15:59 Scout Tower
16:41 Town Hall
18:17 Lumber Mill
18:29 Scout Tower
18:54 Guard Tower
18:59 Scout Tower
19:08 Scout Tower
19:11 Scout Tower
19:12 Scout Tower
20:00 Guard Tower
20:08 Guard Tower
20:12 Scout Tower
20:13 Scout Tower
20:14 Scout Tower
20:18 Guard Tower
21:56 Guard Tower
21:59 Altar of Kings
22:02 Farm
22:03 Farm
22:03 Farm
22:04 Farm
22:04 Farm
22:06 Farm
22:13 Keep
22:31 Town Hall
23:31 Blacksmith
23:44 Farm
24:49 Workshop
24:51 Workshop
25:00 Workshop
25:02 Workshop
25:04 Workshop
27:15 Castle
27:55 Town Hall
28:36 Scout Tower
29:18 Scout Tower
29:47 Scout Tower
30:57 Scout Tower
34:46 Farm
34:47 Farm
34:48 Farm
34:48 Farm
35:38 Town Hall
43:30 Town Hall
» items
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 2 | |
3 total
pink | 26 APM | 226 actions | 08:34)
2 Keeper of the Grove
1 Force of Nature
1 Thorns Aura
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 1 | |
Build / train | 22 | |
Enter build submenu | 7 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 2 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 77 | |
Select / deselect | 64 | |
Select group hotkey | 31 | |
Use ability | 21 | |
226 total
» units
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon | 1 | |
Moon Armor | 1 | |
2 total
» buildings
Moon Well | 4 | |
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Ancient of War | 1 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Tree of Ages | 1 | |
8 total
» build order
00:08 Moon Well
00:14 Altar of Elders
00:21 Ancient of War
02:21 Hunter's Hall
02:39 Moon Well
02:50 Moon Well
05:25 Moon Well
05:36 Tree of Ages
team 2 (winner)
kaAza (
yellow | 76 APM | 4206 actions | 55:34)
6 Death Knight
3 Death Coil
2 Unholy Aura
1 Animate Dead
5 Lich
3 Frost Nova
2 Dark Ritual
5 Dreadlord
3 Sleep
1 Vampiric Aura
1 Carrion Swarm
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 45 | |
Basic commands | 10 | |
Build / train | 138 | |
ESC pressed | 9 | |
Enter build submenu | 50 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 17 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Right click | 2059 | |
Select / deselect | 577 | |
Select group hotkey | 1101 | |
Use ability | 198 | |
4206 total
» units
Acolyte | 48 | |
Ghoul | 4 | |
Crypt Fiend | 16 | |
Frost Wyrm | 7 | |
75 total
» upgrades
Web | 1 | |
Burrow | 1 | |
Creature Carapace | 3 | |
Freezing Breath | 1 | |
Creature Attack | 2 | |
8 total
» buildings
Graveyard | 4 | |
Altar of Darkness | 2 | |
Ziggurat | 21 | |
Tomb of Relics | 3 | |
Crypt | 4 | |
Halls of the Dead | 2 | |
Spirit Tower | 8 | |
Necropolis | 8 | |
Black Citadel | 2 | |
Sacrificial Pit | 1 | |
Boneyard | 2 | |
Nerubian Tower | 7 | |
64 total
» build order
00:15 Graveyard
00:26 Altar of Darkness
00:38 Ziggurat
00:58 Tomb of Relics
01:13 Crypt
01:48 Ziggurat
02:09 Crypt
02:38 Ziggurat
04:19 Ziggurat
04:19 Ziggurat
05:36 Halls of the Dead
05:50 Spirit Tower
06:15 Necropolis
09:22 Black Citadel
09:25 Sacrificial Pit
11:50 Boneyard
11:51 Boneyard
14:03 Ziggurat
14:03 Ziggurat
14:04 Ziggurat
19:41 Necropolis
20:27 Graveyard
20:31 Tomb of Relics
20:35 Ziggurat
20:35 Ziggurat
22:04 Nerubian Tower
24:55 Spirit Tower
24:57 Spirit Tower
29:30 Ziggurat
29:32 Ziggurat
31:02 Spirit Tower
31:06 Spirit Tower
31:49 Nerubian Tower
33:02 Necropolis
33:06 Graveyard
33:08 Ziggurat
33:09 Ziggurat
33:10 Ziggurat
33:32 Nerubian Tower
34:04 Tomb of Relics
35:25 Necropolis
36:03 Spirit Tower
36:52 Halls of the Dead
37:29 Nerubian Tower
37:29 Nerubian Tower
38:18 Ziggurat
38:18 Ziggurat
40:54 Nerubian Tower
40:58 Graveyard
41:07 Ziggurat
41:12 Necropolis
42:01 Nerubian Tower
42:26 Spirit Tower
42:54 Necropolis
44:18 Necropolis
45:13 Necropolis
47:08 Altar of Darkness
50:44 Crypt
50:44 Crypt
52:11 Ziggurat
52:12 Ziggurat
52:13 Ziggurat
» items
Rod of Necromancy | 5 | |
Sacrificial Skull | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 3 | |
Orb of Corruption | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Scroll of Healing | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 1 | |
13 total

Compute(Random) (
purple | 67 APM | 3697 actions | 55:34)
6 Keeper of the Grove
1 Entangling Roots
1 Force of Nature
3 Thorns Aura
1 Tranquility
6 Dark Ranger
2 Black Arrow
2 Silence
1 Life Drain
1 Charm
5 Priestess of the Moon
1 Scout
3 Trueshot Aura
1 Searing Arrows
1 Shadow Hunter
1 Serpent Ward
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 77 | |
Build / train | 193 | |
ESC pressed | 1 | |
Enter build submenu | 43 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 18 | |
Give item / drop item | 3 | |
Right click | 1278 | |
Select / deselect | 487 | |
Select group hotkey | 1430 | |
Use ability | 167 | |
3697 total
» units
Wisp | 48 | |
Peon | 1 | |
Archer | 5 | |
Chimaera | 13 | |
Hippogryph | 54 | |
Razormane Medicine Man | 1 | |
Glaive Thrower | 12 | |
134 total
» upgrades
Ultravision | 1 | |
Strength of the Wild | 3 | |
Reinforced Hides | 3 | |
Nature's Blessing | 1 | |
Well Spring | 1 | |
Corrosive Breath | 1 | |
Vorpal Blades | 1 | |
Backpack | 1 | |
Strength of the Moon | 1 | |
Moon Armor | 1 | |
14 total
» buildings
Moon Well | 8 | |
Ancient of War | 1 | |
Ancient of Wonders | 1 | |
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Ancient Protector | 15 | |
Tree of Life | 10 | |
Tree of Ages | 1 | |
Tree of Eternity | 1 | |
Ancient of Wind | 1 | |
Chimaera Roost | 2 | |
42 total
» build order
00:30 Moon Well
00:37 Moon Well
00:51 Ancient of War
01:34 Ancient of Wonders
02:09 Altar of Elders
02:30 Moon Well
03:11 Hunter's Hall
03:48 Moon Well
04:16 Ancient Protector
04:41 Ancient Protector
05:35 Moon Well
06:14 Moon Well
07:03 Tree of Life
08:08 Moon Well
09:47 Tree of Ages
10:14 Moon Well
10:58 Ancient Protector
11:49 Ancient Protector
12:27 Tree of Eternity
13:07 Ancient of Wind
15:40 Chimaera Roost
15:41 Chimaera Roost
18:02 Tree of Life
21:49 Tree of Life
31:32 Tree of Life
33:45 Ancient Protector
33:50 Ancient Protector
34:00 Ancient Protector
34:04 Ancient Protector
34:10 Ancient Protector
34:13 Ancient Protector
34:18 Ancient Protector
34:20 Ancient Protector
34:59 Ancient Protector
35:04 Ancient Protector
35:29 Ancient Protector
38:12 Tree of Life
41:51 Tree of Life
42:28 Tree of Life
44:06 Tree of Life
46:47 Tree of Life
50:49 Tree of Life
» items
Moonstone | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 3 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 7 | |
Staff of Preservation | 1 | |
Orb of Venom | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 5 | |
Potion of Mana | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 1 | |
22 total
FeedMan (
teal | 70 APM | 3910 actions | 55:34)
5 Shadow Hunter
2 Healing Wave
2 Hex
1 Big Bad Voodoo
2 Blademaster
1 Wind Walk
1 Critical Strike
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 13 | |
Basic commands | 58 | |
Build / train | 141 | |
Enter build submenu | 26 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 7 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Remove unit from queue | 6 | |
Right click | 1872 | |
Select / deselect | 520 | |
Select group hotkey | 1113 | |
Use ability | 153 | |
3910 total
» units
Wisp | 24 | |
Peon | 15 | |
Grunt | 10 | |
Troll Headhunter/Berserker | 22 | |
Demolisher | 9 | |
Troll Batrider | 1 | |
81 total
» upgrades
Pillage | 1 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Melee Weapons | 4 | |
Berserker Strength | 1 | |
Troll Regeneration | 1 | |
Berserker Upgrade | 1 | |
Burning Oil | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 1 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
Ultravision | 1 | |
15 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Moon Well | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 11 | |
Barracks | 2 | |
War Mill | 3 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 1 | |
Stronghold | 1 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
Ancient of Wonders | 2 | |
Hunter's Hall | 2 | |
Tree of Life | 3 | |
Ancient Protector | 6 | |
Beastiary | 3 | |
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
38 total
» build order
00:28 Altar of Storms
00:32 Moon Well
00:45 Orc Burrow
00:49 Orc Burrow
00:50 Orc Burrow
00:51 Orc Burrow
00:51 Orc Burrow
00:53 Orc Burrow
00:53 Orc Burrow
00:55 Orc Burrow
01:21 Barracks
01:22 Barracks
01:31 War Mill
01:47 Voodoo Lounge
03:58 Stronghold
08:25 Fortress
08:35 Orc Burrow
08:36 Orc Burrow
08:41 Orc Burrow
10:43 Ancient of Wonders
11:12 Ancient of Wonders
13:55 Hunter's Hall
14:19 Tree of Life
15:00 Ancient Protector
15:43 Ancient Protector
15:49 Ancient Protector
15:50 Ancient Protector
15:50 Ancient Protector
16:02 Ancient Protector
19:02 Tree of Life
21:50 Hunter's Hall
22:57 Beastiary
22:58 Beastiary
22:59 Beastiary
26:10 War Mill
32:55 Tree of Life
35:29 Altar of Elders
36:06 War Mill
» items
Lesser Clarity Potion | 3 | |
Healing Salve | 2 | |
Scroll of Speed | 2 | |
Orb of Lightning | 2 | |
Potion of Mana | 2 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 2 | |
Orb of Venom | 1 | |
Anti-magic Potion | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
18 total
Chat log
(01:38 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: green why do you play like complete and utter garbage
(01:45 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: with 2k games played
(01:53 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: knowing they're probably going to rush
(02:17 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: that only works if you get night elf and if you did it 45 seconds ago
(02:29 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: mm
(02:32 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: you must have mh
(03:56 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: come all
(04:38 / Allies) LMP: come
(06:01 / Allies) LMP: next
(06:10 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: all come plz
(07:18 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: repair stupid
(07:23 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: cool repair pink
(07:33 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: good player
(07:51 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: lmp
(08:32 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: tower fast red or you're a goner
(08:49 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: lol
(10:22 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: cool towers red
(10:24 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: fucking retard
(10:26 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: NO SHIT
(10:28 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: NO ONE HAS AN ARMY
(10:30 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: GREEN TOWERED
(10:33 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: PINK WAS RETARDED LIKE YOU
(10:52 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: I told you to tower faggot
(12:37 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: towers a day late dollar short
(13:20 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: give your lumber
(14:27 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: green your base is sitting duck
(16:36 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: nice tower in your base green
(17:00 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: why you din't take the expo below that base
(17:03 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: instead of 3600 gold?
(17:30 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: I should have left when pink was proven retard
(18:04 / All) FeedMan: yes run red little pig))
(18:15 / All) FeedMan: alone atatck with back
(19:22 / All) ICQ.Balmer: orange 8k gold
(19:29 / All) ICQ.Balmer: FUCKING NOOB
(19:31 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: Does it matter?
(19:34 / All) ICQ.Balmer: FUCK U MOM ORANGE
(19:35 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: I'm the only one with units
(19:37 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: lmao
(19:44 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: this retard ran out lal his militia
(19:48 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: so I couldn't save his base
(19:51 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: took expo with 3600 gold
(19:55 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: when I cleared full one
(20:03 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: took 15 minutes to tower an empty base
(23:49 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: give gold orange
(24:00 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: plz
(25:22 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: gold plz
(26:35 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: gold plz
(27:10 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: ty
(28:18 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: scout please
(28:47 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: trash noob
(28:51 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: bats is for noobs
(29:00 / All) FeedMan: hawks too
(29:13 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: hawks take skill retard
(29:18 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: they don't instant combust
(29:21 / All) FeedMan: + u run always how noob
(29:34 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: stfu "feed man"
(29:48 / All) FeedMan: dtfu fag Mind
(30:26 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: fuck
(30:29 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: my hawks were near LOL
(30:30 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: SHIOT
(31:38 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: take and tower
(33:27 / Allies) DongKuroos: 1000 gold plz
(33:38 / Allies) DongKuroos: i need to get my hero
(33:39 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: kill shop
(34:34 / Allies) DongKuroos: orange could you give me 500 gold?
(36:00 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: fast 100 for tp
(36:28 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: 200 gold for buy tp plz
(36:29 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: fast
(36:32 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: CAUGHT ME WITH MY PANTS DOWN
(36:44 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: LUCKY A MOVE NOOB
(36:47 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: fucking noob
(36:49 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: give gold
(36:50 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: ty
(36:57 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: I was typing asshole
(37:27 / All) DongKuroos: i'm 3 lve dvine
(37:40 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: do you even have hero green
(38:58 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: tp out
(39:33 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: I would have gave gold for tp
(39:44 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: u idiot
(39:55 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: You had 800 you fucking retard
(42:26 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: griphon orange
(42:45 / All) FeedMan: gg red
(42:49 / All) FeedMan: who next
(44:16 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: gold
(44:45 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: porch monkey
(44:56 / All) FeedMan: run kid
(45:01 / All) FeedMan: your tactic
(45:06 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: you're a fucking retard man
(45:12 / All) FeedMan: ahahah
(45:16 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: I'm tired of dick riders
(45:19 / All) FeedMan: more run bitch)
(45:19 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: like you
(45:21 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: that talk shit
(45:23 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: you're riding dick
(45:31 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: your team won not because of you
(45:33 / All) FeedMan: i like run of bithc how you)
(45:35 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: but because mine are 3 retards
(45:42 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: What the fuck?
(45:51 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: I can't make new units and you're talking shit about a gang bang
(47:30 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: 30g
(47:32 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: for hero
(47:40 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: ty
(50:32 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: you're a good a mover
(50:44 / Allies) MindUrOwnBiznss: get boots
(50:48 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: dk
(50:49 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: fast
(51:32 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: dj
(51:50 / Allies) ICQ.Balmer: 300g?
(53:48 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: punk bitch
(53:58 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: yellow I hope to get on your team
(54:11 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: you're so good you can get 50 fucking rezzes
(54:19 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: and fresh units since you don't have retarded allies
(54:27 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: makes me fucking sikc
(54:38 / All) FeedMan: gg noob blue raped 2 from your team
(54:39 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: Hope you enjoy that punk ass hero kill
(54:44 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: LOL
(54:48 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: pink didn't even repair
(54:51 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: even tho I spammed repair
(55:01 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: I told red to get towers 10 minutes before you attacked
(55:04 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: because green had no units
(55:06 / All) FeedMan: bla bla bla
(55:11 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: he didn't until 30 seconds before you attacked
(55:13 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: fucking retard man
(55:17 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: God I hate dick ridres liek you
(55:26 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: Talk shit in solo you fucking retard
(55:33 / All) MindUrOwnBiznss: not when you get carried vs a team with 3 retards